Snowmageddon Pictures

The beautiful snow and the extensive damage from the freak storm on December 30-31, 2014 on the Plateau.
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December 31 morning
Gate, driveway & propane tank.

Neighbor is now visible
Remains of my prize oak

Looking up to corner of Arboles
Now a full view of street and sign

Greatly expanded view of the valley
Some car lights below

Looking down from patio
Ron's car and Monster buried

Back Patio shows the
depth of snow & downed trees

Out garage door
Snow buried cars

Front driveway turn around
What's left of oak at edge, about half

North across front of home
A red rose and hanging petunias

Tunnel into bent and broken oaks
Area where feeders hang

Front area from balcony showing
Footprints to areas to feed the birds

Front gate looking down street
Single set of tire tracks

Front view of home
Many tracks to feed and for fire wood

New Year's Morning
Toyon, Christmas berry, after shaking

Snow Melt
Stream on Via Vista Grande

Damage to Oaks

Damage to Oaks

Damage to Oaks

Damage to Oaks

Shed was hidden
Damage to Laurel Sumac

Damage to Oaks