photos of the Highland Pines and Prescott area

Enjoy the wild Mammals in Highland Pines at rjranch

Click on the Picture for a Full Screen Pic

Eastern Cottontail

Cliff Chipmunk

Abert's Squirrel

AZ Gray Squirrel

Striped Skunk

Coyote - 2017

Gray Fox
December 2019


Mountain Lion #1

Mountain Lion #2
on the run
Two of our local Mountain Lions.
Thought this would be the largest critter in the front yard area. And then Boo Boo showed up. Actually a female.

Black Bear
In front yard.

One of our bucks
Meet the Family

Does eating
Juniper Berries

3 Fawns checking
Out the new driveway

Young Buck - July '17

Twins follow Mom
to Safety

2 Young Fawns

Doe eating Juniper
during snow fall

Yearling Twins
Buck and Doe